
He's Always There

Word of the Day

“Master, Master, we are perishing!”

If you're anything like me, there are times we feel very much like the disciples who are casually moving through life and suddenly the proverbial rug is pulled right out from under us. We've all experienced the shock...a boss informs you that they had to make one more round of cuts and you're in it; a beloved family member discovers they have cancer; a spouse announces they're leaving when you thought you had an ok marriage; in tears a daughter just 17 informs you she's going to have a baby. We can all relate to some degree.

In the middle of chapter 8 Luke records just such a moment. Jesus and the disciples are traveling across the lake again for the 1,000th time. As experienced fishermen they can navigate this route in their sleep. However, this time is different as a storm hits the out of no where with a punch these veteran sailors couldn't handle. Their conclusion: "...we are perishing!" Mark's account says "Teacher do you not care that we are perishing?" They truly believed they were going to die and believed Jesus didn't care.

I'm betting we've all been in the same 'boat' but haven't had the nerve to openly tell God that it doesn't appear He least not verbally. We demonstrate our fear of dying and our doubt of God's concern by our actions if not our words.

However, He's always there! He promised He'd "never leave us or forsake us." He promised to "supply all of our needs in Christ Jesus", to give us "everything we need for life and godliness." He said he's already give us "every spiritual blessing in heavenly places" so why do we doubt and why do we get so afraid??

Like the disciples, all God wants us to do in the midst of our worst circumstances is wake up the Truth of our circumstances; run to Jesus. Run to the Word and let God transform our perspective so we can experience peace in the middle of war; calm in the midst of chaos, contentment in the midst of uncertainty.

Father please make my first flinch Your Word to define my circumstances. Please keep me from thinking to myself or trusting my own heart. Cause me to only trust in Your unfailing love. Thank you for your amazing grace!