
Homeward Bound

Walk with Jesus

Anybody older than 40 probably knows or has at least heard the song "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel. Being musicians and on the road most of their career they knew the feeling of being homeward bound as they longed for the month and day they would go home until the next tour started. I can only imagine how our men & women in uniform can relate to that song. As I write this I am anticipating the exact same thing tomorrow morning at 6:40am when I head home after being gone for only a few days.

I long to be home! Being in Canada right now the longing isn't to get back to the U.S. or to Arizona or El Mirage or a house. The desire is to get back to a relationship (my bride Laurie) and relationships (kids, grandkids, family by blood and by His blood, friends, co-workers, etc.). We were hard wired by God for relationships. It's what we long for from our parents at the earliest moments of life. However, that hard wiring for relationship cannot be met by another flawed human being; God didn't make us that way! He hard wired us to long for relationship with Him.

In Exodus 33:13 Moses told the Lord, "...I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You..." In Psalms 16:11 David prayed, "...In Your presence is fullness of joy..." In 1 Chronicles 28:9 David told Solomon, "...know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind..." In John 17:3 while praying for His disciples only hours before He'd be nailed to a cross Jesus said, "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."

There are countless other examples of men and women of Scripture who were captivated by the love and mercy of God and couldn't wait to see Him face to face. Paul said in Philippians 1:23, "But I am hard pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better..." So do I long to be with Jesus like Paul did? Do I really believe life; real, true, meaningful life is all wrapped up in knowing God and Jesus Christ as Jesus prayed in John 17?

If you don't believe or are distracted by people, stuff, or dreams...He's only a prayer away!

"Father please forgive me for looking for life in things, goals, careers, or any other relationship but You. Thank you for being so patient with me! Father please let me know Your ways that I may know You as Moses knew You. Make Your presence my fullness of joy like it was for David. Cause me to know You and serve You as David told his son Solomon. Please my King create in me a heart that desires to know You and Jesus whom You sent more than anything else in my life. Help me Father to long for You more than anything else in my life. O God, my God please cause me to walk as Jesus walked desiring to please You above all else. I pray this in His Name; The name of Jesus. Amen!"

His Kingdom Come,