
So You Think You Are That Important?

Word of the Day

This morning I was reading in 2 Kings, chapter 5 where Naaman, who was suffering from leprosy, sought a cure from Elisha. There are several points learned from this story that go beyond the healing that was provided from God through Elisha.

Naaman was a very important man. He was the supreme commander of the army of Syria, a great man of high social standing. He was highly regarded by the king of Syria because of his military success and was a man of "valor" (vs 1) which is a term often used in the Old Testament for men of great wealth and for a courageous warrior. And yet he was stricken with a disease that was the worst of the "unclean" and socially unacceptable positions.

In spite of his standing, it was a servant girl, captured from Israel, who suggested to Naaman's wife that he seek out Elisha the prophet for healing. "Great Idea" I imagine Naaman thinking. Or maybe he says "Fine, if that is what I have to do". So he takes a huge gift with him; about 750 pounds of silver, 150 pounds of gold, clothing, and a diplomatic letter. He travels to Elisha expecting personal attention from him in a cleansing ceremony. After all, didn't Elisha realize how important Naaman was? Instead, a messenger greets Naaman, tells him to wash seven times in the muddy Jordan.

Naaman is not happy. A man of his standing being told by a messenger to wash in a muddy river. Oh the indignity of it all! Fortunately for him, Naaman had a servant who convinced him to give it a try anyway and God healed him, restoring his flesh to that "of a little child" (v.14). Naaman then confesses "there is no God, except in Israel" (v.15).

How often do we let our self perceived position in life dictate our reaction to something? In this story, two servants (the quiet voice of God) are the one's who convince Naaman to receive God's blessing of a cure. Naaman never saw Elisha face to face. My take away? Let God speak to you, direct you, and possibly change your situation with the least of his people. Don't miss out because you think you are that important!

Lord, keep me humble today. Fill me with your Spirit and make my heart long for you and not for what I want.

Philip Johnson