
What Should I Do With My Life? 3

Word of the Day

Desiring God Ministries-- part 3 of 8 aims that should drive every Christian's career path

3. Aspire to Find Your Joy in God, Not Money

You were created to know, love, display, and enjoy God (Psalm 37:4). But there are a thousand other things vying for that place in your heart and priorities. Perhaps no deadly distraction will be more subtly compelling than your career (or the success, fame, and money it brings). With 100,000 hours, your job will have a lot of your attention anyway. No one, however, can love God and money (or success or recognition or perfectionism or promotion). It’s not that it’s bad advice for your health. It’s impossible (Matthew 6:24).

You defeat these threats to your soul by keeping yourself more satisfied in God. Isaiah writes, “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food” (Isaiah 55:2). Someone who eats like this — who feeds himself on all that God is for him forever — will not squander his life striving for nicer things or higher steps on the corporate ladder. Maybe God will give you this or that in your work, but it will mean nothing compared to having him (John 4:34). And loving God like that will lead you to all kinds of good decisions about where to work and what to do with the pennies and influence you earn along the way.

Randy Smith