
Word of the Day: Luke 19:40

Word of the Day

"He answered, 'I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out'"
Luke 19:40

The praise of God cannot be stopped. All of creation sings your praise, and you still desire praise from us. In every moment of every day there is opportunity to praise you.

"Father, you turn the Kings heart like streams of water in your hand, you uphold the universe by the word of your power, you cause the grass to grow and the deer to give birth, you know the number of stars to the number of hairs on my head. You have counted my tears and are acquainted with my grief. Cause me to PRAISE you in every circumstance. Lord I pray that the people around me would see that I give all praise and glory to your name. In a real way Father, cause me to give testimony of praise to you even when the people around me wish that I were silent."
