
Word of the Day: Psalm 50:21

Word of the Day

"you thought I was just like you." Psalm 50:21

Ever since we humans populated the earth in the sinful likeness of our 'grandfather' Adam we have shared a common ambition...control. We want control nearly at any cost. It may not feel like that, we may not even be conscious of it but it's there. Sometimes the desire to control actually looks noble, maybe even Godly as some say to themselves, "I'm going to take the high road and not engage in this silly argument." Sounds good but sometimes that seemingly Godly response is a covering for a self-protective desire not to be hurt or avoid a much needed but difficult conversation in which you know the truth needs to be spoken. Deep down, because of sin, we want to control our worlds. We want life comfortable, predictable, secure, and controllable.

God says it even stronger when he tells us in Psalm 50:21 that a 'god complex' is our biggest problem. Sin is so deceptive that left to ourselves we think we are like God and want to control our lives independent of God. Somebody has well said "God made man in His own image and we've been returning the favor ever since." In case you don't buy this concept think about what our lives would be like if we absolutely, deeply believed God was in control. Psalm 103:19 says, "His sovereignty rules over all"; in Isaiah 14:24 the Lord says, "...just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I've planned so it will stand." Job believed this so deeply he was able to do the unimaginable and worshipped God immediately after hearing his ten children were killed and said " ...the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

When we humble ourselves before God and acknowledge Him for who He is and see ourselves for who we are, we can begin to live life as God intended, being able to worship and enjoy Him no matter what our circumstances. This only happens as we take the time to get to know Him through the pages of Scripture.

"Father, thank You for ruling and reigning over all the earth and caring enough to rule in all my affairs. Thank You for loving us enough that You would plan to send Jesus to die in my place, taking the punishment I deserved. Please help me respond to life's circumstances by acknowledging Your sovereignty and trusting You with my life. Thank You for loving us so much! Thank you for Jesus!

His Kingdom Come,