
One Big Celebration

Dear Family,

I'll never forget the very first Sunday (04/04/2004) we gathered together as a church to worship our magnificent King. Even though we had plenty of room in the rented conference hall for everybody to fit into one service, we had purposefully decided to have two services. The intent was to encourage everyone to serve one service and worship the other. That first Sunday we had about 60-70 people attend the 8:30 service and only 10-15 people attended the 10:30 service…and they all sat in the back. The service attendance eventually balanced out a little better but, excluding special events, we've always had two services since that first Sunday.

Given it's been such a long time since we've all been together to worship the Lord and because we’d really like to celebrate together how God has changed people’s lives (baptism service) we have decided to combine services for September 23rd, one week from this Sunday. So on Sunday September 23rd the one service will start at 9:30AM and will likely go to between 10:45 & 11:00AM depending on how many people will be getting baptized.

 In continued celebration we are also going to eat together immediately following the service. Depending on what part of the country you’re from we’re going to have a late brunch or early lunch. We’re asking everyone to bring a main dish, or a side dish, or a dessert. We’ll provide drinks, cups, plates, eating utensils & napkins. Here’s the breakdown by the first letter of your last name:

         A – I:  main dish

         J – S: side dish

         T – Z: dessert

 Logistically, we’re asking parents to bring their 2nd grade and older kids into the service with them, as we simply do not have enough classroom space to accommodate that many kids.

 Please plan on worshipping with us in one big service one week from this Sunday on September 23rd @ 9:30AM as we celebrate the great things God has done in changing people’s lives!!

 Because He Lives,
